AGM Wrap-up, Memberships, Volunteering, Winter Book and Fun Fair, Developments, Parks, Field House, Schools, Transit
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AGM 2024 was a Great Success
Thank you to everyone who attended our annual general meeting and provided feedback to the various questions and polls. Our 2024-2025 Board of Directors is as follows:
Roxanne Field, President
Daphne Jaques, Vice President
Michael Marryatt, Treasurer
Alasdair Stuart-Bell, Secretary
Jane Thompson, Planning and Development Chair
Mireille Piché, Communications
Darren Kipp, Communications, P&D
Zeinab Mohamed, P&D
Tao Wan, P&D
Seanna Kreagar, Member at Large
Wateridge Village Community Association Memberships
As announced at the AGM, we have been able to raise enough money through events, donations and sponsorships to offer FREE memberships to anyone living in Wateridge Village.
Volunteering in Wateridge Village
Our community association is run by volunteers with many opportunities available:
- Serve on the board of directors
- Serve on committees
- Assist with fundraising
- Assist with planning and running community events
- Rink Maintenance
- Community Garden
For information about volunteering contact We welcome students with needs to fill volunteer hours.
Winter Book and Fun Fair
Thank you to everyone who attended the Winter Book and Fun Fair in January.
Many community members found some intriguing titles for their winter reading, great items at the artisan market and attended a fun storytelling opportunity.
Congratulations to our silent auction winners!
Stay tuned for our next event.
During the AGM, two event related polls were conducted. The first was about the time for events – attendees expressed a strong preference for Saturday events. The second poll was to gauge interest in adult oriented events and there was also strong encouragement from attendees.
Development News
Mary Jarvis of Canada Lands Company reported that over 50% of the Wateridge development are now built or under construction. Mary Jarvis, along with our own Jane Thompson and Roxanne Field, provided updates on a number of developments around Wateridge.
Ottawa Community Housing / Arriv Properties – Mikinak Development
The Ottawa Community Housing / Arriv Properties development in the core will contain 271 studio, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units. The residents of the first building have begun moving in. The 2nd building is expected to be completed around April 2024 and 3rd building around July 2024. These 3 buildings each contain 1 commercial unit. Take a look at for more info.
Mattamy – Stacked Townhomes
Mattamy homes is building 172 back-to-back stacked townhouse condominium units along Vedette between Miknak and Hemlock. These are expected to be ready for move in between Fall 2024 and Summer 2025. Take a look at Mattamy Homes: Wateridge Village at Rockcliffe for more info.
Mattamy – 360 Condos
Mattamy homes is progressing on the first phase of it’s 360 Condos project in the community core. The first building (1340 Hemlock) contains 95 residential units and 7 commercial units and is expected to be ready Spring 2024. The second building (393 Codd’s) contains 92 residential units and 10 commercial units and is expected to be ready fall of 2024.
The 360 Condos, 3rd and 4th buildings are expected to start in 2026 and 2027. The third building will contain 99 residential and 10 commercial units. The fourth building will contain 87 residential units and 11 commercial units. Take a look at Mattamy Homes: 360 Condos for more info.
Currently In Development
Bayview Group
The Bayview Group owns 3 blocks of land in the core area, north of Hemlock Road. They are starting development with a 6 story apartment building along Codd’s Road, north of the town square. They have an active development application with the city for this building; the building will contain 106 apartments.
The designs for the two other blocks along Hemlock are not yet determined. We expect some commercial storefronts to be included along Hemlock.
West Urban Developments
West Urban Development has an active development application for two nine-story residential apartment buildings for its land on Tawadina Road, at the corner of Michael Stoqua. These two buildings will contain a total of 254 apartments.
Rohit Group
Rohit Group has purchased several blocks of land north of Hemlock Road. These blocks are zoned for mid-rise mixed use development or mid-rise residential development. We await development application for these lands.
Hemlock Road and West Stormwater Pond
There were many questions about the status and progress on the re-connection of Hemlock Road. Mary Jarvis provided us with a great explanation and status update. This work is coupled with stormwater management work required for the western sector of Wateridge. This will include the construction of the stormwater pond to the right as you enter the community along the future Hemlock connection – forming both a necessary but also picturesque entrance to the community.
The pond construction will require digging into rock which entails some added engineering work to ensure wells used for drinking water by some of our neighbours in Fairhaven are not negatively affected by this construction.
Detailed design work will take a year. Pending approvals, Canada Land Company hopes to begin construction in 2025 with the road opening around 2026.
Eugene Martineau Park:
Rink: Regrettably, due to the hydro strike, power connections have not yet been completed for the park. This is used for the lighting as well as the park bunker used for rink related equipment, like hoses. The lack of power has meant that the rink will not be up and running this season.
Soccer Field: In the spring, the city is planning to inspect the grass in the soccer field area of the park. If the grass has grown and thickened sufficiently, soccer goal posts will be installed.
Field House Project: Councilor Rawlson King provided a brief update with respect to some ideas for the future field house project. These include a multi-purpose room, along with a small kitchen and washrooms. These will be similar to what is found in the New Edinburgh field house on Stanley Avenue. The field house is primarily designed to support sports in the park. This could include a warm place to put on skates or the registration table for a soccer tournament. We look forward to hearing more details as this project progresses.
Veterans Park (Hemlock and Moses Tennisco) &Lt. Col. William G Barker Park (Town square – Codd’s and Hemlock):
Mary Jarvis, from Canada Lands Company, reported that construction for these two parks got underway last fall. Crews are expected to return to the sites in May. These parks are both expected to open in 2024.
Kishkabika Park (the large park with the Waterfall):
Canada Lands Company reported that construction of this park is expected to start sometime after 2027. It will be coupled with the servicing for phase 7 (directly north of the core area).
Other Developments
Both the French and English public school boards have now purchased their reserved lands along Wanaki Road in the eastern sector of the community. Before schools can be constructed, they will have to secure funding from the provincial government.
The land reservation for the French Catholic School board next to Alliance Park has now expired. Canada Lands Company has offered the school board the option to purchase another parcel of land north of Hemlock Road in the western sector of the community. The block next to Alliance park is zoned for low to mid-rise residential development. It has not been sold to a builder as of this time.
Wanaki Road Employment Lands
A question was asked during the AGM about plans for employment lands. None of this land has been sold as of this time. Canada Lands Company continues to look for developers interested in buildings with ground floor retail, medical offices, and a hotel among other possibilities.
We await finalization of routes 17 and 25, schedules and start days for the new transit services. We will be sure to provide updates as they become available.