This section of our website is design to provide information aOn street parking in Wateridge is governed by the city of Ottawa Parking bylaws, regulations and polices. It is important to realize that these polices apply regardless of whether any signage is posted.

This does not represent the complete parking bylaw but a series of rules that tend to trip people up in our area.

The full City of Ottawa parking bylaw can be found here: https://ottawa.ca/en/living-ottawa/laws-licences-and-permits/laws/laws-z/traffic-and-parking-law-no-2017-301#

Between 7AM and 7PM on weekdays, on street parking is limited to 3 hours.

Between 7AM and 7PM on weekends and statutory holidays on street parking is limited to 6 hours.

Vehicles must be moved at least 300 meters for 1 hour to reset the clock on time limits. For reference the distance between Codd’s Rd and Squadron Crescent is about 325 meters.

No portion of a vehicle can park on any sidewalk. Be aware that many streets in Wateridge have low curbs that are easy for a vehicle to climb. Be sure to check that your vehicle is off the cement sidewalk and avoid a ticket.

Vehicles can not be parked :

  • within 9 metres of an intersection
  • within 3 metres of a fire hydrant
  • within 1.5 metres of a driveway
  • anywhere there is a no-parking sign

For further information: https://ottawa.ca/en/parking-roads-and-travel/parking/municipal-lots-and-street-parking#section-88b43860-9c1d-4c62-94c2-b4aacb0da407

During the winter the city of Ottawa can announce an on street parking ban during and after large snow storms. During this time all vehicles must be removed from the street (this includes parking bays). These bans can come during the day or night. They are announced on local media, City of Ottawa social media or you can sign-up below to receive an e-mail. If you sometimes park on the street it is important to plan for and make arrangements to park in an off-street location during these events.

To receive e-mail notification of winter parking bans sign-up here: https://forms.ottawa.ca/en/form/esubscriptions/signup-form

Locations where off street parking can be found during bans can be found here: https://ottawa.ca/en/parking-roads-and-travel/parking/winter-parking#section-b69d2bce-98c4-495a-a807-23164d840252

The closest to Wateridge is Dr. John Hopps Park on Den Haag Drive, near La Cite. Other locations would require transportation (such as a ride from a friend) back to Wateridge as they are not generally within walking distance.

For further information: https://ottawa.ca/en/parking-roads-and-travel/parking/winter-parking

Parking restrictions for snow removal (trucking) are announced via temporary red or yellow signs stuck in snow banks.

Parking issues can be reported by calling 311 or the City of Ottawa maintains a series of web forms for reporting issues with vehicles illegally parked on the street, or vehicles illegally parked on private property (including in your designated space) https://ottawa.ca/en/3-1-1/report-or-request/parking#section-f98710e9-35f5-478f-bdec-fbfb773ac2d0

For reference the parking fines rates are found here: https://ottawa.ca/en/parking-roads-and-travel/parking/regulations-and-restrictions#section-4d0650e2-15ba-49cf-89f3-e42292df34a6

Wateridge is not located in an area where residential, guest or visitor parking permits are available as all properties in Wateridge were built with off-street parking. The city does not make any consideration for multiple vehicles in a household or more than the allocated ratio of parking space to units in an apartment building.

There are a couple types of on street parking permits that may be useful to Wateridge residents in the case of health care worker visits or construction activities which cause the loss of your off street parking.



532 Montreal Rd Suite #524
Ottawa, ON K1K 4R4